19 November 2020

7 Tips on How to Take Care of Your Mattress

Now that your spanking new mattress is here, you must be beyond excited to break it in. Maybe it’s suddenly nap time now that you’re reminded yet again of how comfortable the mattress looks? Or, perhaps you’re dying to jump right on it?

Woah, woah, woah! Hold your horses!

First, you need to know just how to take care and maintain the mattress to keep it in tip-top shape. So, let’s check out some tips on how to care for your mattress. Read on now!

Tip 1: Ensure that your mattress is properly supported

This is the ultimate story of friendship. While your mattress supports you during sleep, you’ll also need to make sure to keep your mattress supported properly.

Sure, you don’t have to get the matching box spring or anything like that. But, it’s vital to be sure that your mattress has the right support to preserve the structure and integrity. Besides that, the right support also helps to prevent early wear.

There are some things to keep in mind here. First, the bed frame should have center support bars to hold your weight as well as the weight of the mattress. Besides that, memory foam mattresses often require solid support.

Plus, bear in mind that many mattresses are much heavier today. Hence, an old bed frame might not be able to support the weight of your modern new mattress. Additionally, it’s also important that you check your bed’s support now and then to make sure that it’s still in a good shape.

Tip 2: Get yourself a mattress protector

Always protect your mattress with a mattress protector. It’s one of the easiest and best ways to keep your mattress in a good condition. Think of it as a protector or a phone case for your new iPhone.

A good mattress protector should be waterproof to protect against accidents, spills, and other bodily fluids. Besides that, the mattress protector also helps to guard against and reduces things like debris, dirt, and dust.

All of the above helps to minimise the damage to your mattress. Of course, what this means for you is that your mattress will last that much longer.

Hands holding folded white sheets

Tip 3: Keep your beddings clean

Now, we’ve talked about this before. There are all sorts of things on your bed. Dead cells, hair, oils, sweat, crumbs, dirt, and more — they are all right there on the bed.

And, this is exactly why you should wash and change your bedsheets every week or every other week… at least.

Tip 4: Rotate your mattress regularly

Now, manufacturers used to recommend flipping as well as rotating your mattress often. But, most modern mattresses now have just one right side up and cannot be flipped. This is because they’re built from the bottom up rather than center out.

However, you should still rotate the mattress end-to-end at least every two to eight months. But, the best is to rotate it every two weeks to a month for the first couple of months to break it in slightly. After that, around three to four times a year to help to promote a more even wear as well as prevent bumps and depressions.

If you want to be on the safer side of things, be sure to check the manual or warranty. It’s not a bad idea to speak to the customer support, either. The sales assistants or representatives should be able to give you a better idea on how to proceed.

Tip 5: No jumping allowed

Remember how you intended to jump on the mattress to celebrate? It sounds fun and exuberant but, yeah, that’s not a good idea. Not if you want to keep your mattress in a top-notch condition.

For starters, it’s dangerous. But, beyond that, the coils, fabrics, fibers, frames, and foundation will wear down or damage very quickly if you use it in such a hard way.

So, perhaps you should leave the jumping for the trampoline and celebrate with a catnap on your new mattress instead?

Tip 6: Take extra care when you’re moving your mattress

There are a few things about moving your mattress to remember here. First, before you move, make sure to protect your mattress from the elements and damage with plastic or mattress bags.

Besides that, some mattresses are meant to be bent and come compressed in their packaging. But, if you want to play it safe, it’s always a safer bet to avoid bending or folding.

On top of that, some mattresses come with short straps on the side. Contrary to popular beliefs, those aren’t actually meant for carrying. Instead, they’re designed to help you position your mattress. Say, for example, when you’re rotating the mattress.

If you need to lift your mattress, it’s always better to do so from underneath — with a few people supporting it.

Tip 7: Vacuum, vacuum, and vacuum

That noisy thing that your cat is deathly afraid of? Well, that’s your best friend when it comes to keeping the mattress clean. Do it at least once every month or every other month to get rid of things like dust and hair.

If you’d like to know more about the best ways to clean your mattress, this article should be useful to you.

The bottom line

There you go! These tips should help you to get years of good use out of your mattress.


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